Know the symptoms of Osteoporosis which are mostly ignored by people today
Osteoporosis makes our bones weak and brittle. The bone in our body weakens and deteriorates. There will also be bone tissue loss. It affects women more than men and especially above 65 years and over. It is almost asymptomatic until the chronic stage. People often don’t realize this as the basic symptoms are fractures. Osteoporosis leads to bone density which can be caused with a minute bump or a minor fracture. The break can be very slight in your arms or spine but it will bear more painful end.
A study at 2016 in East Virginia Medical School showed that fractured caused due to osteoporosis need more medical attention than the regular fractures which is also more costly. One should know about this when they come of age. No one will know it occurring and leave it to be a regular fracture.
Here are a few symptoms to which you can confirm that you are more likely to have osteoporosis.
Once you reach the age of 60 should be aware of this and consult a doctor. One must know about the factors and symptoms of osteoporosis and prevent them in near future. I would suggest including more calcium in your diet. Women above 60s and men above 70s should do a general checking. On t that people above the age of 50 happens to have a fracture need to also test for osteoporosis periodically.
Not only age but also our lifestyle habits can lead to osteoporosis. intake of steroids, cancer treatment and also injectable contraceptives can lead to it. Often medication for heartburn or depression can also lead to the risk. It doesn't mean one shouldn’t take these medications, in situations where it becomes necessary. Consult your doctor or nearby. He/she will suggest supplements to prevent bone deterioration and prevent the occurrence of it or at least delay the effects.
Curved Spine:
People tend to lean forward by age but it can also be signalling osteoporosis. People will have a stooped posture. It will be an obvious bend of the spine and can be easily found out. This means that it has infected the spine. It is also best to check your height when you cross your 50s.
Deficiency in Vitamin:
Vitamin D is an essential substance in bone health. It helps the body in absorbing calcium. New research recently shows the importance of Vitamin D. It helps in preventing cognitive impairment, cancer and even cardiovascular ailments. If you are deficient to Vitamin D you will have bone, joint pain and weakness in the muscle. These symptoms are often mild.
D is synthesized by our body naturally when we are exposed in the sun. Often
people experience deficiency during the winter and people in the northern
latitudes. There are many foods which are rich in Vitamin D like egg yolks,
fish and fish oils, milk, beef liver and fortified meals. So, take these in
your daily diet. But if you are a vegan then the risk of deficient to Vitamin D
is much higher.
High level of vitamins in blood Serum:
This test ensures that when you are exposed to bone loss or not. You can visit your doctor and test. If you are deficient to Vitamin D you must take this test. If it affects your bones or it can also be bone cancer. The test includes the levels of serum calcium and alkaline phosphate. This also helps in finding out when you have Paget's disease which endangers the bone growth. This test is also commonly done to confirm any signs of liver disorders.
Muscle or joint pain:
The initial stages of osteoporosis are asymptomatic and people won't feel pain until the chronic stage. There are few side effects of it which is unpleasant. Small cracks in the bones and stress are some of them. It might cause an itchy feeling.
Once you start having the spine bend you will experience soreness in the back. There are chances of airline cracks in the ribs which may press the nerve against the ribs. One will also have weakness of muscles as the bones are weak the bone muscles also become weak. One will experience difficulty in getting up after sitting without any support.
The first sign of osteoporosis is a mild fracture. Fracture is the most common symptom in osteoporosis. It is because the bones have become brittle and the density has reduced. As the injury would be very minute people often tend to neglect it unless the pain is severe.
If you have pain and inflammation after a bump or fall then it can be a fragile fracture. If you have the bones out of alignment is also an indication. If you have pain in your back for more than 2 weeks visit a doctor nearby and find out what it is.
If your an Asian or white you are more vulnerable to osteoporosis.
If you are underweight and lean your bones have less density which means you have a high risk of developing the disease.
Check your family history. If your siblings or parents had or have osteoporosis then it is more likely for you to have it.
Women who have reached their menopause are also vulnerable to osteoporosis as the estrogen level decreases.
Pain and fractures occur to all people. Only people above 50s should be more considered. It is best when you consult your doctor after your 50s. A study reveals that out of 47,000 women only 1 out of every 5 knew they had osteoporosis with the mild air-line fracture and also very few women went to prevent it from occurring.
Whatever your age is, in order to prevent yourself from osteoporosis you can take a good amount of Vitamin D and Calcium. Completely avoid smoking and drinking. You should consider these from when you are in your 30s but its never late because something is better than nothing.
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