Natural ways in which you can clean your liver

 Natural ways in which you can clean your liver 


            One of the largest internal organs of the body is the liver. No one gives importance to it. Every part of our body functions each and every moment. Keep reading to know which drinks keep your liver healthy.

            Cirrhosis of the liver or fatty liver makes you feel overweight and tired. It is a slow killer. Chronic liver issues kill over 31 thousand people a year approximately where most of the death is avoidable. Try some of these methods to keep your liver healthy.

Green Leafy Vegetables:

            green vegetables are also healthy like carrots. Some of them are spinach, kale, romaine lettuce and beet greens. Salads are good but if you need to travel then juiced vegetables are better. Juice also makes it easy for the body to absorb the nutrients instead of digesting them from start.

            Juice your leafy vegetable and add in some carrots to boost the effect and extra sweetness. Green leafy vegetables stimulate bile and help to clean the liver naturally. It is so much beneficial for the entire body.

Green Tea:

            If you need a super drink then green tea is your lifesaver. It is full of antioxidants which helps in removing free radicals. Green tea is also known to fight against cancer. It also helps to burn the body fat reducing the work of the liver.

            The hydration from green tea also supports the liver. Try to avoid sweeteners because it is detoxing.

Turmeric Tea:

            Turmeric is a common spice in India which is also the most powerful spice that supports the liver. You can have turmeric tea with grounded turmeric. Add a teaspoon of turmeric to boiling water. Takedown after 10 minutes and to it add a little lemon juice and black pepper. Turmeric protects the body from damage and it might also help in regenerating new cells at the liver. Studies show that it also fights against inflammation which can be one of the causes of liver damage.

Citrus Fruits:

            The antioxidant and vitamin C in citrus fruits are good for cleaning the liver. Citrus fruits like lemon, oranges, grapefruit, limes and clementines are good to eat. They have a rich amount of antioxidants and Vitamin C in them. One can also drink freshly made juice. Avoid drinks from freezer or shelf. It is full of sugar and pasteurization process breaks the nutrients. One best way is to drink lemon with water. It is simple yet effective.

Beet Juice:

            Most people don't like beet and often it is off the favourite list. Beet juice and beet greens have so many nutrients in them. It supports and cleanses the liver. It also increases the oxygen level in the blood thereby cleansing the liver. It activates the bile and helps with enzyme activity also. Beet juices are rich in Vitamin C and fibre.

            There are various methods of preparing this juice from lemon, ginger, beet with basil or beet with watermelon and beet juice. 

Carrot Juice:

            Carrot except baked in sucrose in any other form is good for health. Juice few carrots with some water and spinach. This would be a toast for your liver working tirelessly.

            Carrots are rich in Vitamin A which benefits in helping from any liver disease. It also contains antioxidants like flavonoids and beta-carotenoids. Carrots are good for our body. So, add a drink in your diet.


            Walnuts have a rich source of amino acid arginine, omega-3-fatty acid and glutathione which aids the liver cleaning process particularly while removal of ammonia.

Olive Oil:

            Though an oil, it is a healthy fat. Cold-pressed organic oils like olive, flaxseeds and hemp are good for liver health which filters all the toxins from our body. It is also proven that it helps in reducing the fat level in the liver.

Fibre Foods:

            Fibre foods increase the bowel system and aids in removing the toxins from the body. Most of the drinks mentioned are rich in fibre. Apple and cauliflower juice is the best way to add fibre to the body. You can also add oats, avocados and chia seeds to our diet it contains a high amount of fibre. Drink a lot of water to not only have a healthy liver, but also a healthy body. You can try different foods from these to not bore yourself with the same food.

Other Measures:

Keep your sugar intake less than 30 gm a day. It is essential for us to protect our liver which is responsible for blood sugar balance. Taking in excess sugar can burden the liver with more work.

Try to reduce your stress. Always remember that detox is a parasympathetic process.  If you are stressed the whole day it makes it difficult for the liver to complete its work. Stress also tightens our muscles. Our body will store more toxins in the fat cells when we are stressed as they don’t have the energy to expel them.

Exercise regularly or start walking. Practice yoga and meditation. These practices can help to lower the cortisol levels which reduces stress thereby reducing the burden on the liver.

Try a castor oil pack over the live 3 times a week. It is an effective way to free the liver and lymphatic systems from congestion. It is not suggested for people who are pregnant or breastfeeding or during menses or having IUD.

Reduce your anger and try to forgive people more. If you cannot control it consult a therapist or a friend to share with.


            Besides the above methods of cleaning the liver, also study yours in other ways too. Control the amount of alcohol intake and also remember most of the medications like pain killers, drugs which we take are harmful to the liver. Illegal usage of drugs or unprotected sex can cause hepatitis however you protect your liver. Exercise regularly to support the liver and reduce any inflammation.

            Maintaining good liver health will keep us healthy. Also, the above-mentioned juices also fight dementia, fat and cancer.